The Friction Programme Grant held it’s first 6-monthly network meeting on 9th-10th July in Sheffield. The meeting brought together all of the programme grant team members and 2 external experts in the field of tribology to view the outputs of the grant so far. The team were joined by Professor Ian Hutchings, University of Cambridge Emeritus Professor of Manufacturing Engineering and Professor Mitjan Kalin, Head of the Laboratory for Tribology and Interface Nanotechnology, University of Ljubljana.
Our 8 post-doctoral research fellows presented the progress in each of the Challenges in the first few months of the grant, future plans, and the whole programme team and Professors Hutchings and Kalin discussed progress and feedback on the work.
Prof. Hutchings will also oversee the Friction PG Innovation that will launch in the autumn. This is a joint industry funded research fund that will provide funding for Proof-of-Concept tribology research projects to UK research institutions. More details will be released here and via social media shortly contact for further details.