Friction Innovation Fund
As part of the delivery of the EPSRC Programme Grant “Friction: The Tribology Enigma” the universities of Leeds and Sheffield are co-funding a Friction Innovation Fund in tribology with industry partners.
The Friction Innovation Fund will provide up to £50,000 research funding per project via 6 monthly calls for innovative Proof-of-Concept tribology projects that will drive research on the understanding and prediction of friction.
1st Call Open!
We are pleased to announce the first call for proposals for the Friction Innovation Fund is now open, please read the call documentation below for more information on the fund and how to apply, the call deadlines are:
- Call open: 19th October 2018
- Deadline for proposal submission 23:59 7th December 2018
- Award announcement early January 2019
Application Procedure
Please read all of the call documentation, application form and associated documents carefully before applying to the fund, applications which do not meet the criteria set in these documents will not be considered.
Please complete the application with reference to the call document and associated template award agreement, which will constitute the contract that will be signed by successful applicants before funding is transferred:
- Call Document
- Application Form
- Template Award Agreement (for reference only – will be issued to successful applicants for agreement)
Please submit your application using the submission portal below by 23:59 7th December 2018 at the latest.
Application Submission
Please submit your application form (including all documents requested in the application form) to the Easychair submission portal. You will need to create an Easychair account if you do not already have one, full instructions are provided on the site:
Upload Submission to EasyChair
If you have any queries please contact email Dr Tom Lynch
Mailing List
To keep up to date with information from the Friction Programme Grant and Friction Innovation Fund please sign up to our mailing list below: