Professor Anne Neville awarded Honorary Doctorate from the University of Glasgow

Friction: The Tribology Enigma PI Prof. Anne Neville was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Glasgow for her pioneering contributions to the field of tribology – she has also been a powerful advocate for encouraging wider participation in engineering, particularly for girls. Read more here.

Getting to grips with friction – Pint of Science

Friction PG researchers Dr Matt Carré and Professor Roger Lewis took part in the public ‘Pint of Science – All hands to the pump’ event in Sheffield on 22nd May 2019. They explained some fundamentals of friction related to human grip and manipulation of objects, and how this affects our gripping and perception abilities.

Particle Characterisation Workshop – University of Cape Town

Researchers from Friction PG visited the University of Cape Town, South Africa, 26/11- 3/12/2018 and delivered a workshop on Particle Characterisation in collaboration with the academics there and attended by engineers from mineral processing industry and university researchers. This workshop was organised as a part of Industry-Academia Partnership Programme (IAPP) called ‘CAPE Partnership: Characterisation Advances …

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11th International Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems Conference (CM2018) – Delft

Friction PG researchers joined a large team of researchers from the University of Sheffield to present friction research at the 11th International Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems Conference in September. Prof. Roger Lewis, Dr. Mike Watson and Prof. Mark Rainforth  and a large group of their PhD students, submitted and presented friction research …

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Friction Programme Grant 1st Network Meeting

The Friction Programme Grant held it’s first 6-monthly network meeting on 9th-10th July in Sheffield. The meeting brought together all of the programme grant team members and 2 external experts in the field of tribology to view the outputs of the grant so far. The team were joined by Professor Ian Hutchings, University of Cambridge …

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Friction PG researchers set up partnership programme collaboration in mineral processing with the University of Cape Town

An Industry Academia Partnership Programme (IAPP) sponsored by the UK Royal Academy of Engineering has been awarded to researchers in the Friction Programme grant and their colleauges to establish a collaboration between the University of Cape Town and University of Leeds to support mineral processing industry in South Africa. The partnership entitled “CAPE Partnership: Characterisation …

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Friction at Science Week in Lydgate Junior School, Sheffield

Sheffield researchers from the Friction Programme Grant Roger Lewis and Raman Maiti ran a friction outreach event at Lydgate Junior School in Sheffield as part of the schools Science Week. Roger talked to all 4 year groups at the school (120 pupils) about the causes of friction and why it’s important to understand it. This …

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Friction Programme Grant researchers join Integrated Tribology CDT Excellence Hub in Tribology

Roger Lewis and Raman Maiti from the Friction Programme Grant joined students from the associated EPSRC CDT in Integrated Tribology (also jointly run by the Universities of Sheffield and Leeds) holding an Excellence Hub in Tribology in Sheffield. The session introduced sixth form students to the study of Tribology in Mechanical Engineering through hands on practical demonstrations …

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Friction: The Tribology Enigma is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, under grant no. EP/R001766/1